Registration Form
Notice of Annual Meeting of the Stockholders
The Annual Meeting of the stockholders of SSI GROUP, INC. for the year 2023 will be held on Tuesday, 30 July 2024 at 2:00 P.M.
Given the current circumstances, and to ensure the safety and welfare of the Company’s stockholders, the Company will dispense with the physical attendance of stockholders at the meeting and will allow attendance only by remote communication and voting in absentia, or by appointing the Chairman of the Meeting.
For the purpose of this Meeting, only stockholders of record at the end of trading hours of the Philippine Stock Exchange on July 2, 2024 will be entitled to notice of and vote at such Meeting.
Stockholders who wish to participate in the Meeting are required to register on or before 6:00 pm on July 20, 2024 by completing the requirements set forth in the registration link below. Stockholders who have successfully registered will receive an email with instructions on how to access an online web address which will allow them to join the Meeting and cast votes in absentia or by proxy.
Stockholders who cannot or opt not to use the online registration form below will be allowed to vote through a proxy with instructions to the Chairman of the Meeting. Please submit the proxy with voting instructions (together with documents required for stockholders submitting a proxy) to the Office of the Corporate Secretary by email to corporatesecretary@rgoc.com.ph on or before 6:00 p.m. on July 20, 2024. SSI reserves the right to request additional information and original signed copies of the documents forming part of the registration requirements at a later time.
Questions on the registration process, items in the Agenda, and Information Statement may be sent to corporatesecretary@rgoc.com.ph. Questions received on or before July 20, 2024 may be responded to during the Meeting. Any questions not answered during the Meeting shall be answered via email. Stockholders are advised to send in their questions as early as possible.
Please register at https://livenow.ph/ssigroupasm2024/
For more information about the SSI Group 2024 Annual Stockholders’ Meeting, please refer to the following:
- Notice and Agenda
- Definitive Information Statement
- Minutes of the Annual Stockholders’ Meeting
- Registration and Validation Procedures for the Virtual ASM
- Proxy Form